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Frequently Asked Questions

In order to better serve you, we’ve compiled a list of the questions most commonly asked by our clients.
If you still don't see the answer to your question, feel free to call our Burnsville office at (952) 435-3437 or the
LeSueur office at (507) 665-3037.

Where's my refund?
Both the IRS and MN Dept. of Revenue websites have refund tracking.
When are my estimates due?
Taxes on income earned before:
April 1
April 15-May 31
June 1 - August 31
After August 31
File an installment by:
April 15
June 15
September 15
January 15 of the next year
What are the standard deductions for 2024?
Married, filing joint and qualifying widow(er)s: $29,200
Head of household: $21,900
Single or married, filing separately: $14,600
Dependent filing own tax return: $1,300
What are the mileage rates for 2024?
67 cents per mile for business miles
21 cents per mile for medical and moving miles
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